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May 11, 2022

How to Travel Sustainably This Summer

With the temperature steadily rising and the first day of summer right around the corner, the Albatross Designs team has begun daydreaming about getting outdoors and making some summer travel plans. If you’re also finding yourself in summer trip planning mode, you may be curious about how you can both achieve your summer adventure goals and also travel sustainably. 

Apr 20, 2022

Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks

Now that spring is here, the Albatross Designs team is definitely feeling that ‘spring cleaning’ bug. With this urge to clean house also comes the desire to make sure any cleaning or refreshing efforts are as sustainable as possible. This is particularly important because traditional, store bought cleaning products are not only filled with ambiguous ingredients and harmful chemicals, they are also riddled with plastic!

Apr 12, 2022

Ways to Make Every Day Earth Day

While a lot of focus and eco-friendly efforts get put on Earth Day – and April in general – the habits or actions designated for this specific time of year don’t have to be limited to just now. There are tons of small, daily changes we can make to slowly integrate an eco-friendly lifestyle into our everyday routine and help out our planet along the way!

Apr 1, 2022

Earth Day Activities for Kids

Whether you’re planning to celebrate throughout “Earth Month”, “Earth Week”, or on the actual Earth Day, April presents a lot of opportunities to gather as a family and show your kids how important it is to protect and preserve our beautiful planet. And we’ve got an exciting list of Earth Day crafts and activities to help you in this endeavor! Plus, as an added bonus, all of these projects center on either free/ existing resources or found/ repurposed items. Meaning, you and your kid(s) can start celebrating Earth Day without even having to make a trip to the store! What’s better than activities that are both planet friendly and budget friendly?

Apr 1, 2022

5 Ideas for Celebrating Earth Day

Spring has sprung, April has arrived, and it is officially time to celebrate this beautiful planet we call home! While April has been colloquially termed “Earth Month”, most of the environmental efforts this month will probably be channeled into one particular day: April 22nd (a.k.a., EARTH DAY!). Whether you’re planning to celebrate throughout all of Earth Month, during Earth Week, or on the actual Earth Day, here are 5 ideas for activities you can partake in to support our planet.

Mar 31, 2022

Albatross Razors: Zero Waste, Zero Gender Discrimination

Since the beginning of Albatross Designs, we have been clear and vocal about something important: Our zero waste razors are impeccable tools made to handle all of your shaving needs independent of your gender. We make durable, reliable tools that shave well – for everyone. 

Mar 17, 2022

Chemical Pollution: How Plastics Aren’t the Only Threat to Our Oceans

The conversation about the health and wellness of the ocean tends to focus heavily on plastic pollution. In reality, the pollutants threatening our ocean and natural world extend far beyond plastic debris, and the number one culprit is chemical pollution. Between car parts, soda flavorings, and household cleaners, chemicals are a prevalent and often necessary part of our everyday lives. But when unleashed into the natural world, these chemicals can cause havoc and ecosystem disruption. 

Mar 15, 2022

How to Make a Zero Waste Bathroom

If you’re currently on the journey to a sustainable lifestyle, or if you’re hoping to embark on this in the near future, you may have considered tackling what is often one of the biggest problem areas in the home: the bathroom. Between plastic toothbrushes, disposable razors, and single-use cotton balls, this room is ripe for change! If you start exploring your options, you’ll quickly discover that there are a lot of opportunities for turning your current commode into a zero waste bathroom.

Mar 7, 2022

What’s It Really Like Using a Safety Razor?

We feel that having many examples and descriptions of the zero waste shaving process across multiple mediums is extremely helpful. We’ve created this post to describe what it’s like to use a safety razor, with the hopes of not only encouraging people to add this zero waste swap to their sustainable lifestyle, but also improving everyone’s overall zero waste shaving experience. 

Feb 15, 2022

Ocean Animal Wooden Toy Set: Why We Started Making Plastic-Free Toys

While we are best known as being the world’s first zero waste shaving company, we view ourselves as a sustainable design company focused on making sustainable progress wherever we can. The launch of our first children’s toy, the Ocean Animal Wooden Toy Set, also marks a proud milestone into these new territories. 

Feb 1, 2022

Unique Features of Albatross Safety Razors

If you’ve checked out our 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of a Safety Razor blog post, you’re probably already familiar with some of the key benefits of our products, as well as our mission to ease the transition to plastic-free shaving. In the spirit of this shaving transparency (or shavesparency – bad pun we know!), we wanted to take the time to describe and highlight some of the qualities that make Albatross razors stand out from the rest.

Feb 1, 2022

Winter Art Projects for Kids

This time of year, with the holidays behind us and some of the coldest and longest days ahead, the time can feel like it’s going on forever. If you and your family are experiencing some cabin fever, we’ve got an exciting list of winter art projects to keep you and your kids happy, creative and busy!
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