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Introducing the Albatross Butterfly Turbo Razor!

Introducing the Albatross Butterfly Turbo Razor!

Please meet the Albatross Butterfly Turbo, our newest razor here at Albatross Designs. This razor is elegant and shaves luxuriously, but what makes it a Turbo? Well, it offers the fastest blade change of any shaving razor out there! Springloaded blade holding plates open when you push the bottom against your bathroom counter, and close securely when you release pressure. The blade changes are rapid, but does that blade changing speed really matter?

Well, ultimately all of our razors are pretty quick to change the blade, but the Turbo does shave off every last second of time to do it. This, it is hoped, will enable its users to eliminate as much as possible any negative connotations associated with “having to change the blade, and then having to shave” in a time-consuming, tedious process. We want to remove mental barriers, especially for those who need to shave every day. The Turbo shaves every last second off your time to shave. Saying that, we hope your shaving routine will transform into an opportunity for you to slow down and take a few moments for self-care, self-reflection, and self-improvement.

While the Turbo is fastest, all of our razors are quite quick in terms of their shaving speed. First of all, the “double edge” means you have to rinse the hair out of your razor half as many times compared to cartridge and single edged razors. This is big because the rinse is typically the most time consuming part of shaving. And then, when you are actually rinsing your razor, our safety razors will clear the hair quicker than multi-blades and cartridges too. Even shaving a long beard with our razors is manageable and tolerable, compared to the experience with any multi-blades which simply doesn’t really work. Our one tool is great for all shaving jobs– by design. It’s a tool that shaves really well. It’s a tool we hope you’ll fall in love with.

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